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アーカイブ No.24596

Class A surfacing in CATIA V5 | Udemy  CATIAV5のクラスAサーフェ...

Class A surfacing in CATIA, Different surface analysis, Considerations for making a good aesthetic surface CATIAのクラスAサーフェシング、さまざまなサーフェス分析、優れた美的サーフェスを作成するための考慮事項

アーカイブ No.24600

CATIA-Surface Design | Udemy  CATIA-サーフェスデザイン|ユーデミ...

In this course students will get know about wireframe & surface Design workbench of Catia V5. in this all the command from surfaces, wireframe and operations tabs are explained with simple explan...

アーカイブ No.24607

Siemens NX Surface Training | Udemy  シーメンスNXサーフェス ト...

You will understand CAD concept and the most used operation of Siemens NX surfacing . Work independently on any Part in any version of Siemens NX Surfacing. Confidently list your NX surface skill...