2024/11/08 | 13:00-17:00
マテリアルリサイクルの規制動向と国内外での動向・リサイクル実例について解説いただきます。 【元カネカ化成/元塩ビ工業環境協会: 一色 實 氏】 ①当日以外のアーカイブ視聴可能です(期間:11...
ゴミのない海 Trash-Free Waters Webinars | US EPA
The Trash-Free Waters Webinar Series promotes increased knowledge and understanding of the sources, distribution and impacts of plastics and microplastics in the environment with featured presenter...
JCIウェビナー「現状を知る: 日本のGXは脱炭素化を実現するか?|GX政...
JCIウェビナー 現状を知る: 日本のGXは脱炭素化を実現するか? ― GX政策の現状と課題 ― ◇日時:2023年8月30日(水) 14:30-16:00 ◇開催方法:オンライン(Zoo...
The Circular Economy | Udemy 循環経済
学習内容 このコースを受講すると、循環型経済とは何か、その起源、循環型の新しいアイデアを発見する方法、価値を生み出す方法を理解できます。 また、資金調達をどこで探すべきか、最初の一歩を踏み出...
スーザン・グラハム: 地球の生物多様性を回復するための、上空からア...
政府・自治体・金融のビジネス大転換 | セミナーオンデマンド
SDGsというグレートリセットが2021年から全世界で進行しています。SDGsとは、単なるカーボンニュートラル対応でも、自然環境保護や食糧危機対応だけではありません。 DXによる人の移動の削減...
コ・インジェクション革命 The Co-Injection Revolution - You Won't...
Imagine injection molding a large item, for instance a 5-gallon pail, using a high percentage of post-consumer or post-production recycled material in the core and then fully encapsulating the part...
Webinar on Plastic Waste Management and impact on Human Health |...
Be it food packets, toys, storage packing, furniture or electronic items, plastics are so widely used that imagining our lives without them is impossible. It is one of the best substitutes for wood...
Recycling of plastics webinar – CREAToR
Towards a more sustainable plastic treatment in 2030 webinar took place on July 1. It brought insights from European research on the key role of recycling in the drive towards a more sustainable en...
A Closer Look into a New Plastic Stewardship Initiative - Quant...
This one-hour webinar will introduce you to Verra’s new Plastic Waste Reduction Standard (Plastic Standard) and the Guidelines for Corporate Plastic Stewardship (Guidelines) developed by the 3R Ini...
〇 講演「使い捨てプラスチックの削減とバイオマスの持続可能な利用」 国立環境研究所 循環型社会システム研究室 田崎智宏 室長〇 企業の取組(1)外食企業で発生した使用済み紙カッ...
プラスチックゴミ問題への対処 Tackling Plastic Pollution Webinar ...
Georgian Bay Forever’s Tackling Plastic Pollution Webinar Series is a collection of webinars aimed at raising awareness about the abundance of plastic litter entering our local and global waterways...
プラスチックゴミの管理ソリューション Plastic waste management so...
Part of our Thinking Big series, these sessions explore new ways to manage plastic waste through practical circular economy approaches Watch our webinar recordings to see how your Canadian municip...
正しいプラスチック、正しい場所 Right Plastic, Right Place | www....
In this webinar, Susan Jay Circular Economy Technical Specialist at Wrap, explores the role of plastic in current society and how existing recycling and reprocessing infrastructure can be improved ...
カーボン・ニュートラル・パッケージング How do we get to carbon n...
The European Green Deal’s goal for Europe to reduce CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030 and become climate neutral by 2050 puts immense pressure on the plastic industry to drive change. But what does deca...
プラスチックのリサイクル Recycled plastics - Packaging Europe
With demand currently outstripping supply, particularly for food grade packaging plastics, many FMCGs, manufacturers and converters are finding sourcing the feedstock they require to hit regulatory...
生分解性プラスチック : 消費者や社会とどう関わるか? Biodegradab...
Public awareness and concern over plastics pollution, especially in open environments such as oceans, rivers and land, are at an all-time high. At the same time, the public is often uncertain and c...
変化の推進:リサイクル可能な原料からの高品質で大量の樹脂 Driving...
Find out how solvent-based processes allow the recycling of currently non-recyclable plastic compounds. Learn how to recycle and compound all kinds of thermoplastics waste within extrusion in one s...
Ocean Plastic Webinars
Current estimations show that an expected total of up to 250 million metric tons of plastic could end up in the oceans by 2025 (Jambeck et al. 2015). With the wide-ranging potential impacts on mari...