クライメート・アクション・トラッカー(CAT): 気候危機の現状(202...
Axel Reinaud: How biochar removes CO2 from the air -- and helps ...
Biochar is a kind of charcoal that removes CO2 from the atmosphere, helping yield healthy crops and even producing abundant renewable energy in the form of electricity as it's made. This exciting c...
Julia Watson: How to build a resilient future using ancient wisd...
In her global exploration of Indigenous design systems, architect Julia Watson researches enduring innovations that could help us counter the challenges of climate change. From floating villages to...
#tnfd #自然関連財務情報開示タスクフォース #自然資本 気候変動のみならず、自然資本・生物多様性の劣化と喪失を食い止め、ネイチャーポジティブに転換する取組への注目が高まるなか、9月18...
Climate Action Tracker: The state of the climate crisis in 2021 ...
2021 is a critical year for climate change. According to the Paris Climate Agreement, governments must decide now on how to reduce the amount of carbon they pump into the atmosphere in order to avo...
キャロル・ファルボトコ、イングリッド・ボアズ: 20年後に住むことが...