

第3回Green Molding Webinar Week|7月2日〜7月5日|視聴無料

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ウェビナー 視聴無料 No.59179

2022/11/09 | 19:30 - 21:00 JST

11月9日(水)開催 オンライン上司部屋 | Peatix

11月無料開催委!昨今、企業ではトップから中管理職の方までとてもストレスを抱えている上司がたくさんいます。あなたは良い上司ですか?そもそも「良い上司」とは?やさしい上司?厳しいけど... pow...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.14677

TED-Ed: What's the best fuel for your car? | TED Talk TED-Ed:...

Historically, most cars have run on gasoline, but that doesn't have to be the case in the future: other liquid fuels and electricity can also power cars. So what are the differences between these o...

アーカイブ No.1424

創薬におけるAI利用:医薬品研究開発を加速 : IDTechEx Webinar

AI in Drug Discovery: Accelerating Pharma R&D An area in which AI is seeing significant interest and progress is drug discovery, a subset of the drug development process. As far, companies have dem...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.31567

YouTube Academy 2022: Complete Beginner to Pro Step-by-Step

Learn from someone who currently has a YouTube vlog channel and has grown recently (that's important). This course covers everything you need to know from discovering what to make your channel abou...

アーカイブ No.1880

Digital Transformation 2021 Series- RJG, Inc.: Enhancing Predict...

This presentation is to introduce a novel approach of correlating a high resolution mesh-model to an instrumented mold(equipped with cavity sensors), in order to gauge the trustworthiness of materi...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.16155

Emma Bryce: Why do cats have vertical pupils? | TED Talk  エマ・...

Peering into the eyes of different animals, you'll see some extraordinarily shaped pupils. House cats, for one, are twilight hunters with vertically elongated pupils. Many grazing animals, like goa...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.22474

第10回アジア・スマートシティ会議 循環経済ウェビナー - YouTube

第10回アジア・スマートシティ会議 循環経済ウェビナー 横浜企業による第10回アジアスマートシティ会議アーバンソリューションウェビナー 第9回ASCCでの廃棄物管理セッションでは、C...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.102842

PCB assembly technology in the field of electronic medical|IT勉...

PCBA is a good choice for medical electronics. The benefits of using PCBA technology in medical electronics are: High performance and low cost Low failure rate and high reliability Wide ap...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.125244

【英語】アプリケーションとサービスのための Red Hat Ansible Autom...

ミドルウェアは、多くの企業内で重要な機能を果たします。ただし、新しい機会やビジネス ユースケースに対応するためにこれらのリソースをクラウド スケールで管理することは、困難な作業になる可能性があり...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.4720

ムラタとNXPが協力して評価と統合を簡素化 Murata and NXP collabora...

"MMurata and NXP collaborate to simplify evaluation and integration The tough challenge of Wi-Fi/Bluetooth integration and certification just got a whole lot easier. Join this webinar to find out h...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.16183

Josh Giegel: Super speed, magnetic levitation and the vision beh...

What if your hour-long commute was reduced to just minutes? That's the promise of the hyperloop: a transit system designed around a pod that zooms through a vacuum-sealed space (roughly the size of...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.16184

Jeffrey A. Lockwood: Are locust plagues unstoppable? | TED Talk ...

A ravenous swarm stretches as far as the eye can see. It has no leader or strategic plan; its only goals are to eat, breed, and move on. These are desert locusts— infamous for their capacity for de...

ウェビナー No.100527

2023/04/21 | 13:00 - 17:00

三極DMFの制度概要 及びFDA DMFを中心とした作成・登録実践セミナー...

■講座のポイント  海外(US,EU他)に原薬・中間体、医薬品添加物、医薬品容器等を承認申請あるいは輸出しようとする時に知的財産権・ノウハウを保護しながら当局への申請ができる登録文書がDMFで...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.13530

Joi Ito: Want to innovate? Become a "now-ist" | TED Talk イノベ...

"Remember before the internet?" asks Joi Ito. "Remember when people used to try to predict the future?" In this engaging talk, the head of the MIT Media Lab skips the future predictions and instead...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.14684

Chiara Decaroli: The high-stakes race to make quantum computers ...

Quantum computers could eventually outstrip the computational limits of classical computers. They rely on the behavior of atomic and subatomic particles, whose quantum states are incredibly fragile...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.16146

James Tanton: Can you survive the creation of the universe by so...

It's moments after the Big Bang and you're still reeling. You're a particle of matter, amidst a chaotic stew of forces, fusion, and annihilation. If you're lucky and avoid being destroyed by antima...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.16154

Sophia Kianni: Language shouldn't be a barrier to climate action...

Most scientific literature is written only in English, creating an alarming knowledge gap for the 75 percent of the world who don't speak it. That's a big problem for climate change -- because it's...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.16179

Gavin McCormick: Tracking the whole world's carbon emissions -- ...

What we know today about global greenhouse gas emissions is mostly self-reported by countries, and those numbers (sometimes tallied manually on paper!) are often inaccurate and prone to manipulatio...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.147896

Hardware-Aware, Model-Based Software Development to Speed Up Emb...

This webinar addresses hardware-aware code integration, generation and verification. We will show a complete Model-Based Design approach, cutting integration time via the use of a hardware-aware mo...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.14686

Meron Gribetz: A glimpse of the future through an augmented real...

What if technology could connect us more deeply with our surroundings instead of distracting us from the real world? With the Meta 2, an augmented reality headset that makes it possible for users t...