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アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.151848

Converting Spreadsheet-Based Scenario Definitions to OpenSCENARI...

See how Ford engineers created a tool to convert scenario definitions from spreadsheets into OpenSCENARIO standard format and visualize converted scenario in Automated Driving Toolbox. It enabled e...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.21178

How Digitized and Transformed Procurement Can Empower the Future...

Across industries, companies are increasingly under pressure to identify new digital solutions that will transform procurement and by extension the larger supply chain. But they need to proceed car...

アーカイブ No.1751

プラスチックゴミ問題への対処 Tackling Plastic Pollution Webinar ...

Georgian Bay Forever’s Tackling Plastic Pollution Webinar Series is a collection of webinars aimed at raising awareness about the abundance of plastic litter entering our local and global waterways...