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アーカイブ No.11449



アーカイブ No.11759


このセミナーでは中小製造業に特化して国連SDGsを事業に取り入れるメリット、コスト、事例などを生産性向上や働き方改革のケースとともに紹介し、貴社でのSDGs取り組みをサポートします。 このセミ...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.14694

John Doerr and Ryan Panchadsaram: An action plan for solving the...

"How much more damage do we have to endure before we realize that it's cheaper to save this planet than to ruin it?" asks engineer and investor John Doerr. In conversation with Countdown cofounder ...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.14698

Stephen Petranek: 10 ways the world could end | TED Talk スティ...

How might the human race end? Stephen Petranek lays out 10 terrible options and the science behind them. Will we be wiped out by an asteroid? Eco-collapse? How about a particle collider gone wild? ...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.14699

Bill Gates: The innovations we need to avoid a climate disaster ...

The single most important thing for avoiding a climate disaster is cutting carbon pollution from the current 51 billion tons per year to zero, says philanthropist and technologist Bill Gates. Intro...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.14733


重量物搬送を誰にでもできる作業に!3つの事例を大公開! 製造現場が抱える慢性的な課題の一つ「重量物搬送」。その解決策として、他に類を見ない下からアプローチできるエアバランサ『パワフルアーム...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.14736


媒体を損傷させない技術で数+mlの少量サンプルテストを実現 液体の分離・精製・濃縮が必要な工程を担当されている方に朗報です。大規模なろ過設備を導入する前に、少量のサンプルで様々な試験ができ...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.14748


「産業用消費電力の1/4を占めるポンプ」が目標達成のカギ 工場にとって避けることのできない『CO2削減』と『SDGs』。そこでまず手をつけたいのが、全産業の電力の1/4を消費するポンプ。目...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.14764


BOD・COD・色・臭いも取り除く独自技術がSDGsに貢献 企業の環境問題対応が問われる昨今、多くの工場で課題となる"排水処理"。きれいな地球を未来に届けるメーカー・流機エンジニアリングは...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.14945


ロボットシステムの安全・安心・コスト・SDGs対応の両立 昭和14年創業、伝動機器の開発・製造・販売において世界28か国に展開する三木プーリ。本プログラムでは、これまでの経験をもとに機械・...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.15272

Global Hydrogen Economy - Future of Technology 世界の水素経済-技...

This presentation was taken from the fourth and final day of our Future of Technology series in April 2021 – ‘Giving Hydrogen the Green Light’. The theme for this session was “Who in the world . . ...

アーカイブ No.15516

Vishaan Chakrabarti: A vision of sustainable housing for all of ...

By 2100, the UN estimates that the world's population will grow to just over 11 billion people. Architect Vishaan Chakrabarti wants us to start thinking about how we'll house all these people -- an...

アーカイブ No.15517

Julia Watson: How to build a resilient future using ancient wisd...

In her global exploration of Indigenous design systems, architect Julia Watson researches enduring innovations that could help us counter the challenges of climate change. From floating villages to...

アーカイブ No.15923

ArchicadのBIMによる効率化と人材確保と育成について | 大塚商会 実...


アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.16147

Mahendra Singhi: Cement's carbon problem -- and 2 ways to fix it...

Cement is vital to modernizing all kinds of infrastructure in the developing world -- but manufacturing it comes at an enormous environmental cost in the form of carbon emissions. Mahendra Singhi, ...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.16148

Dan Jørgensen: How wind energy could power Earth ... 18 times o...

Over the last two decades, the wind power industry has grown at a dizzying pace. (Fun fact: a single rotation from one of the world's most powerful wind turbines can generate enough electricity to ...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.16150

Katie McGinty: Smart solutions to decarbonize buildings | TED Ta...

Buildings are bad news for the climate -- the indoor spaces we spend most of our lives in emit 40 percent of the world's greenhouse gases. Rethinking how to create and occupy the spaces we inhabit,...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.16152

Gabrielle Walker: What you need to know about carbon removal | T...

What do woolly pigs have to do with climate change? They're part of a vital, ingenious and evolving strategy to take carbon out of the sky and store it safely -- in trees, soils, the ocean, buildin...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.16153

Axel Reinaud: How biochar removes CO2 from the air -- and helps ...

Biochar is a kind of charcoal that removes CO2 from the atmosphere, helping yield healthy crops and even producing abundant renewable energy in the form of electricity as it's made. This exciting c...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.16154

Sophia Kianni: Language shouldn't be a barrier to climate action...

Most scientific literature is written only in English, creating an alarming knowledge gap for the 75 percent of the world who don't speak it. That's a big problem for climate change -- because it's...