

第3回Green Molding Webinar Week|7月2日〜7月5日|視聴無料

終了日順 関連度順
アーカイブ No.1726

生分解樹脂をデザインすべき? Should we design biodegradable plas...

Join us to find out how chemists design plastics for biodegradability, and discuss the opportunities and challenges that these new materials present on our journey to a more sustainable future How...

アーカイブ No.1727

プラスチックのケミカルリサイクル Is chemical recycling of plasti...

Join us to find out how the existing recycling system works, where we are with chemical recycling, and the opportunities and challenges it presents for the future of recycling. What mechanical rec...

アーカイブ No.1728

プラスチックによる汚染 How polluting is plastic? | Webinar | Che...

Find out the impact plastic waste has on the natural environment, from both the chemical, and microbial point of view, and how natural processes can be used to deal with plastic waste and convert i...

アーカイブ No.1756

プラスチックの代替の促進 Promoting substitutes and alternatives ...

More than a hundred years since the first breakthroughs in plastics, these have become ubiquitous in our lives. In much of our planet today, it can be hard to look in any direction without finding ...

アーカイブ No.86077

セミナー「分散エネルギー資源としてのEV充電研究」の詳細情報 - も...


アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.16185

Al Gore: How to make radical climate action the new normal | TED...

A net-zero future is possible, but first we need to flip a mental switch to truly understand that we can stop the climate crisis if we try, says Nobel laureate Al Gore. In this inspiring and essent...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.16179

Gavin McCormick: Tracking the whole world's carbon emissions -- ...

What we know today about global greenhouse gas emissions is mostly self-reported by countries, and those numbers (sometimes tallied manually on paper!) are often inaccurate and prone to manipulatio...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.16168

Jim Hagemann Snabe: Dreams and details for a decarbonized future...

As chairman of the world's largest maritime shipping company, Jim Hagemann Snabe thinks a lot about how goods get where they need to go and the impact their journey has on the planet. Leading the e...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.16153

Axel Reinaud: How biochar removes CO2 from the air -- and helps ...

Biochar is a kind of charcoal that removes CO2 from the atmosphere, helping yield healthy crops and even producing abundant renewable energy in the form of electricity as it's made. This exciting c...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.16145

Ermias Kebreab: What seaweed and cow burps have to do with clima...

Scientists have long known that cows are a huge source of the greenhouse gas methane, contributing up to four percent of emissions globally. But could there be a way to make cattle less -- ahem -- ...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.15283

The UK in the Global Hydrogen Race - Future of Technology  世界...

Richard Halsey, Energy Systems Catapult, provides a keynote on the whole system approach, the UK hydrogen production for net-zero and the UK’s hydrogen strategy. This presentation was taken from...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.14699

Bill Gates: The innovations we need to avoid a climate disaster ...

The single most important thing for avoiding a climate disaster is cutting carbon pollution from the current 51 billion tons per year to zero, says philanthropist and technologist Bill Gates. Intro...

アーカイブ 視聴無料 No.8592

国連気候会議COP26の解説|CIGSエネルギー環境セミナー - YouTube


アーカイブ No.1794

連続混合技術で環境に優しい材料を処理することの利点 The Advantage...

Market changing bio-friendly materials, including recyclates, present a number of processing challenges. FARREL POMINI provides multiple case studies demonstrating the advantages of FARREL Continuo...

アーカイブ No.1751

プラスチックゴミ問題への対処 Tackling Plastic Pollution Webinar ...

Georgian Bay Forever’s Tackling Plastic Pollution Webinar Series is a collection of webinars aimed at raising awareness about the abundance of plastic litter entering our local and global waterways...

アーカイブ No.1730

Ocean Plastic Webinars

Current estimations show that an expected total of up to 250 million metric tons of plastic could end up in the oceans by 2025 (Jambeck et al. 2015). With the wide-ranging potential impacts on mari...

アーカイブ No.1740

プラスチックごみに対して、生分解性プラスチックが答えか? Taking...

Every year, more and more plastics end up in our oceans and rivers and on the land. Once there, they pose risks to our environment and the health of living creatures. Conventional plastics persist ...

アーカイブ No.1741

生分解性プラスチック : 消費者や社会とどう関わるか? Biodegradab...

Public awareness and concern over plastics pollution, especially in open environments such as oceans, rivers and land, are at an all-time high. At the same time, the public is often uncertain and c...

アーカイブ No.1748

正しいプラスチック、正しい場所 Right Plastic, Right Place | www....

In this webinar, Susan Jay Circular Economy Technical Specialist at Wrap, explores the role of plastic in current society and how existing recycling and reprocessing infrastructure can be improved ...

アーカイブ No.1753

A Closer Look into a New Plastic Stewardship Initiative - Quant...

This one-hour webinar will introduce you to Verra’s new Plastic Waste Reduction Standard (Plastic Standard) and the Guidelines for Corporate Plastic Stewardship (Guidelines) developed by the 3R Ini...